The Make or Break Factor in Healing

Introduction & Guest Bio:

Patients were stratified into a younger (under 60) group and an older (over 60) group, and symptoms were clustered into broader clinical syndromes associated with COVID-19 and classified into case definitions, including ‘Cerebrovascular event (abnormalities of the blood flow in the brain)’, ‘Altered Mental Status’, ‘Peripheral Neurology’, and ‘Encephalitis’. Members of these professional organizations identified patients exhibiting these syndromes and a swift 5-minute clinical dataset was completed. It contained four critical components: diagnosis of COVID-19, demography, geography, and nature of the clinical syndrome.
On 11th March 2020 SARS-CoV-2 was declared a pandemic, a virus predominantly affecting the respiratory system. Within months there were also reports of neurological disturbances such as lack of smell and taste, dizziness and headaches. As the virus continued to spread from Wuhan through to neighboring countries and continents there was an increasing prevalence and severity of these neurological and psychiatric cases.

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On 11th March 2020 SARS-CoV-2 was declared a pandemic, a virus predominantly affecting the respiratory system. Within months there were also reports of neurological disturbances such as lack of smell and taste, dizziness and headaches. As the virus continued to spread from Wuhan through to neighboring countries and continents there was an increasing prevalence and severity of these neurological and psychiatric cases.

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  1. annabrown

    28 1 月, 2022

    Kirsten is very knowledgeable and gives great advice which helps you manage your symptoms.

  2. miaqueen

    28 1 月, 2022

    It is very interesting and useful podcast!

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