#眼睛過敏 #眼睛癢 最近季節轉換 來診眼睛癢、紅、腫的炸多 小叮嚀 盡量 #不要揉眼睛哦 揉眼睛常會增加發炎反應,導致眼睛突然腫一大包、紅、腫 更嚴重甚至影響長期視力 如果手邊沒有 #過敏止癢藥水 可以先 #冰敷緩解。 #過敏 最常見的是 #塵蟎 #黴菌 #空氣污染 #季節轉換 #花花草草、#花粉 #寵物(毛髮、皮屑) 可以觀察看看什麼環境、情境容易發作、有沒有同時有鼻子過敏等症狀。 常常因為體質關係,鼻子跟眼睛過敏常常一套的,有異位性皮膚炎的可能更加明顯。 初步可以先將環境整理: 用 #除塵 …

Hi! I’m Dr. Serena Martin, your naturopathic doctor and nutrition expert in New York City
Here’s my story. As a young girl and teen, I felt the pressure to be thinner. Although I spent my adolescence feeling alone, now I understand that whether you’re struggling with weight loss, your relationship with food, or a negative body image you are not alone and neither was I.

Personal Story
Megan has been studying diet and nutrition since she was 13 years old. She found that everything she read, whether it was written by a doctor, a dietitian, or other health professional, conflicted. That is why Megan became a Nutritionist.
Megan chose the most reputable school and set out to learn the “truth” about diet and health.
“I gained weight, became obsessed and anxious about ‘healthy eating’, and ultimately felt pretty awful both emotionally and physically.”
Megan earned her degree and started her career as a Dietitian, but resigned within 5 years. She knew that path wasn’t the right way forward.
Formal Training
She went on to study Integrative and Holistic Health and now specializes in gut-related and inflammatory conditions.
Megan changed her own life with research, diet, gut healing, hypnosis, energy work, and other integrative practices. She now has zero health concerns, more fulfillment and joy in her life, and never spends hours in the kitchen or at the gym. “It feels AMAZING to be comfortable and happy in my own body, even after childbirth!”
Megan’s passion is to help you, too, transform your life with simple tools, deep internal healing, and mind-body connection. She combines conventional knowledge in biochemistry, physiology and traditional health with powerful holistic strategies.
This is the focus of Megan’s work: to help you experience true nourishment, exuberant vitality, outstanding health

A Different Approach to Eating Well
Allison’s approach to eating healthy focuses on adding affordable, nutritious, and delicious dishes and food items to your daily meals. No matter what your medical needs or budgeting realities are, Allison believes that everyone can and should find joy through food. Allison commonly offers advice and counseling on:
- Weight Management
- Family and Pregnancy
- Endocrine Disorders
- Cardiovascular Disease, High Cholesterol and High Blood Pressure
- Digestive Disorders
- Food Allergies and Sensitivities
- Practice what you preach (by setting good examples for your children)
- Plan ahead
- Cook in bulk
- Involve the whole family
- Cook from scratch
- Keep it simple

Doctor is here to help
Not sure which healing path is right for you?
Search your condition on the doctor’s blog to see what Dr. Martin recommends, or even schedule an online consultation with the doctor in the clinic!
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2024 年 10 月 10 日
飛秒雷射白內障手術介紹 #白內障 是眼科常見疾病,由 #水晶體混濁 導致視力模糊,幾乎每個人都會經歷,尤其白內障有年輕化趨勢。在此把門診常遇到的問題好好整理介紹一番。 懶得看文字的就直接看圖示吧! 飛秒雷射的重點都幫大家整理好了。 隨年齡增長,白內障發生率上升。傳統手術透過超音波乳化技術去除混濁的水晶體(白內障),並植入人工晶狀體。然而,近年高階白內障手術技術提供更精確、微創及更多功能的選擇。 #高階白內障手術分成 #飛秒雷射白內障術式 及 #高階人工水晶體置入 #高階人工水晶體其繞射環可提 …
2024 年 7 月 12 日
佝僂爺爺的重見光明之路 角度就是如此誇張,想必平時生活也辛苦了。眼科手術是標準的失之毫釐 差以千里。手術此時需克服與平時大大不同的工作距離、床板壓低壓縮了醫師腳的空間,只好克服不同手術方位的習慣。 七十多歲的爺爺,因為長期罹患佝僂症,生活本來就不太方便。最近,他的視力變得越來越模糊,走路、生活起居都成了一大難題。經多位醫生診斷,確定是白內障,而且是 #少見 #因發炎造成的沾黏性白內障,需要手術治療。 但爺爺的身體狀況讓手術變得複雜,許多診所醫院在評估後都表示無法進行手術 …

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